Writer, editor & voice actor on Big Finish's Doctor Who, Terrahawks, Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet audio ranges. Host of the Randomiser on the Gerry Anderson Podcast.

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FAB Facts: The truth of how Five Star Five fell through

Five Star Five was Gerry Anderson’s answer to Star Wars, but the project never made it past pre-production – until this year with...

Merch NewsNewsSpace: 1999

Space:1999 soundtracks coming soon from Silva Screen!

The latest Gerry Anderson soundtrack releases from Silva Screen Records have now been announced, giving Space:1999 fans double LP vinyl albums of the...


Gerry Anderson Podcast Pod 159 – Samira Ahmed

Journalist and broadcaster Samira Ahmed first appeared on The Gerry Anderson Podcast in 2019 alongside fellow Space:1999 enthusiast Kevin Fong. This time, she...

New Captain ScarletSpace Precinct

Fathers of the Anderson universe (part 3)

Continued from part 2… Since 1983’s Terrahawks flipped the standard Anderson family setup completely by removing all the fathers and presenting a pair...


FAB Facts: Animals of the Gerry Anderson universe!

The FAB Fact on this week’s edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast concerns animal sidekicks! As a young boy, Gerry Anderson had always...


Fathers of the Anderson universe (part 2)

Continued from part 1… With the leap to live action television productions following The Secret Service and the greater realism that came with...


Gerry Anderson Podcast Pod 158 – Martin Roberts (2/2)

In this week’s edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast, Homes Under the Hammer host Martin Roberts returns to confess his fear of Terrahawks...

Fireball XL5Joe 90StingrayThunderbirds

Fathers of the Anderson universe (part 1)

The Anderson shows presented a number of idealised father figure characters for their viewers to look up to over the decades – so...

Captain ScarletFunStingrayThunderbirdsUFOUncategorized

Video: What do the letters F.A.B. stand for in Thunderbirds?

A term of acknowledgement used frequently in Thunderbirds, some fans think the three letters must stand for three particular words. In this video,...


FAB Facts: The Anderson Spin-Off Shows That Never Were

There are numerous Gerry Anderson shows to choose from, but it seems there are surprisingly few spin off shows. In the FAB Facts...

Prepare for life on Moonbase Alpha

UFO: The Complete Comic Collection