Several of the various Gerry Anderson shows are among those classic science fiction series to predict advances in technology that nowadays we all...
By Chris DaleNovember 9, 2018On Saturday 27th October a very special event was held at MCM Comic Con London: The Gerry Anderson’s Firestorm Premiere! Cast and crew gathered...
By Jamie AndersonNovember 3, 2018At 1pm on 27th October, the pilot minisode of Gerry Anderson’s Firestorm will premiere at MCM Comic Con London’s Centre Stage followed by...
By Jamie AndersonOctober 26, 2018SCIENCE! We always love to hear from people who were inspired to pursue careers in science or technology by what they saw on...
By Chris DaleOctober 18, 2018Greetings, Earth things! It is I, Zelda – Ruler of the Universe! It has recently come to my attention that there is easy...
By Chris DaleOctober 12, 2018Phil Plait (@BadAstronomer on Twitter) is an astronomer, sceptic, science writer and highly-qualified nerd. He has written two books, Bad Astronomy and Death from the Skies. He...
By Jamie AndersonOctober 8, 2018Captain Scarlet, Terrahawks and Thunderbirds fans, rejoice! There’s a massive Gerry Anderson Audio Drama Sale going on over at Big Finish for the...
By Jamie AndersonOctober 6, 2018In the pantheon of Gerry Anderson villains Captain Black is easily the most disturbing of all. Not only is he utterly ruthless in...
By Chris DaleOctober 5, 2018Mike Tucker is a highly experienced model FX supervisor who has worked on everything from Doctor Who and Red Dwarf to Last of...
By Jamie AndersonOctober 1, 2018