Known for creating the Eleventh Hour series, writing Crusoe, Doctor Who, Oktober, and a collection of novels, Stephen Gallagher’s creative journey began with...
By Chris DaleMarch 30, 2021After production on Century 21 TV shows came to a halt, many props were sold off to the BBC and repurposed. A couple...
By Chris DaleMarch 26, 2021In the latest packed edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast, our special guest David Hirsch is back to tell us more about his...
By Chris DaleMarch 22, 2021It’s a known fact that a lot of the regular cast members of Gerry Anderson’s UFO disappeared during the series, most notably Alec...
By Chris DaleMarch 17, 2021When David Hirsch first started watching Gerry Anderson shows in black and white, little could he have known that he would one day...
By Chris DaleMarch 15, 2021This week’s edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast features the FAB Fact of an ‘attack’ of some ‘alligators’ (or at least crocodiles pretending...
By Chris DaleMarch 11, 2021Richard Harvey has taken us on a musical journey from the early days of playing Supercar in the garden to the halcyon period...
By Chris DaleMarch 8, 2021This week’s edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast features a fascinating FAB Fact – but can you take it, Captain? Could the original...
By Chris DaleMarch 3, 2021Gerry Anderson’s pilot “The Day After Tomorrow: Into Infinity” never went to full series. It was made between Years 1 & 2 of...
By michaelivanOctober 19, 2020Space Precinct is among Gerry Anderson’s more underrated programs, but many of you have been rediscovering it. Big thanks to its recent DVD...
By michaelivanOctober 12, 2020