
space 1999 returns on Forces TV
NewsSpace: 1999

Space 1999 Returns to UK Television Tonight!

Space 1999 returns to UK TV tonight for the first time in a decade. Starting with Breakaway, Forces TV will broadcast the entire...

Captain ScarletNewsPodcastThunderbirds

Gerry Anderson Podcast Interview with Pat Sharp

Pat Sharp, best known as the host of TV’s Fun House, joins us on the Gerry Anderson Podcast to discuss his love of...

Space 1999 year 2 characters
FunNewsSpace: 1999

Top 5 overlooked great things about Space 1999 Year 2

A greater focus on characters The first season of Space:1999 generally emphasised plot over character development, but the Space 1999 Year 2 tried...


Coolest features of Thunderbirds 1 to 5

Thunderbird 1’s most impressive feature is its top speed of 15,000 mph, enabling Scott to race to the scene of any disaster in...

FunNewsSpace: 1999

Space 1999 Season One top 5 highlights

Space, the really final frontier Despite following in the footsteps of Star Trek, Space:1999 ended up taking a far more bleak approach to...

Merch NewsNewsThunderbirds

Funko Thunderbirds Figures on the Way!

Funko has finally shown a preview of three upcoming Funko Thunderbirds figures: Brains, Lady Penelope and Parker. The first three Funko Thunderbirds figures...

All about the Tracy Brothers

All About the Tracy Brothers

Billionaire ex-astronaut Jeff Tracy was the man who first devised the idea of International Rescue, but it is his five sons who have...

Richard Gregory Tribute episode of the Gerry Anderson Podcast
New Captain ScarletNewsPodcast

Gerry Anderson Podcast’s Richard Gregory Tribute Episode

As you may know, our dear friend Richard Gregory passed away unexpectedly recently. Not only was he a crucial part of many Gerry...

FunLost WorldsNewsSpace Precinct

Demeter City – Space Precinct’s lost first episode!

Space Precinct’s journey from original concept to finished television series was a notably longer and more complicated one than any other Gerry Anderson...

Richard Gregory has passed away
NewsSpace PrecinctTerrahawks

Richard Gregory has Passed Away

We’re incredibly sad to report that Richard Gregory – a master of film and television effects, animatronics and design has passed away suddenly...

Prepare for life on Moonbase Alpha

UFO: The Complete Comic Collection