The television series’ created by Gerry Anderson have inspired the dedicated following of countless fans around the world. Although the series were produced...
By Andrew ClementsMarch 25, 2017International Rescue for Halifax Thunderbirds Advert! 25 March will see the launch of the new Halifax Thunderbirds advert. Halifax is siding with fellow...
By Jamie AndersonMarch 24, 2017Steven Walton shares his perspective on Gerry Anderson fans during the remarkable revival in the 1990s, and explains why he thinks the series’...
By Andrew ClementsMarch 18, 2017Article by Ian Coomber Shane Rimmer With roles in films as varied as Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi to Ant & Dec’s Alien Autopsy, there...
By Andrew ClementsMarch 11, 2017Big Finish Captain Scarlet audios are on the way! Big Finish Productions in association with ITV Studios Global Entertainment (ITVS GE) today proudly...
By Andrew ClementsMarch 6, 2017Thunderbirds are most definitely go with these mini metal Thunderbirds models featuring all five International Rescue craft and of course Lady Penelope’s famous Rolls Royce,...
By Andrew ClementsFebruary 18, 2017Elegant, charming and often faced with deadly danger, Lady Penelope is International Rescue’s invaluable London Agent… but did you know that she also...
By Andrew ClementsFebruary 11, 2017Big Chief Studios Thunderbirds are go! And so is Captain Scarlet! Some stunning teaser images of Big Chief Studios Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet...
By Jamie AndersonFebruary 6, 2017By Hugh Broughton Halley VI is a space-age research station used by scientists to predict changes in global weather patterns. It is the...
By Chris ThompsonJanuary 28, 2017