Most of the classic Gerry Anderson series are well known for their use of breathtaking model effects sequences, and one storytelling field in...
By Chris DaleNovember 15, 2019The first episode of Space:1999, Breakaway, entered production in November 1973. While the episode was scheduled to be shot within ten days filming...
By Chris DaleNovember 6, 2019Following hot on the heels of Captain Scarlet – a Big Chief Studios Commander Koenig replica figure is on the way! Big Chief...
By Jamie AndersonOctober 25, 2019With Space:1999 recently joining the ranks of Gerry Anderson shows now available as full-cast audio dramas from Big Finish Productions, we thought it...
By Chris DaleSeptember 26, 2019Doctor Who fans can argue for hours over who was the best Doctor. James Bond aficionados have similar debates over the best 007....
By Chris DaleSeptember 20, 2019To celebrate Breakaway day 2019, we’re very lucky to have a guest blog from Dr Kevin Grazier. Kevin is a lifelong fan of...
By Jamie AndersonSeptember 12, 2019During his association with Lew Grade and ITC, Gerry Anderson’s productions followed a regular pattern of production; most ran for only one season,...
By Chris DaleSeptember 4, 2019Surprisingly for a body of work of more than five hundred television episodes, a substantial chunk of which dealt with science fiction concepts,...
By Chris DaleJuly 15, 2019When Space:1999’s second season premiered in 1976 with The Metamorph, fans were greeted with a substantially different series than the one that had...
By Chris DaleJune 22, 2019