Merch NewsNewsSpace: 1999

Space:1999 laboratory pod Eagle variant now available!

A stunning 10″ replica of the Space:1999 Eagle with laboratory pod is now available exclusively from the Gerry Anderson Store.

This “Type E” Eagle boasted a remote laboratory pod, modified from the passenger pod. It was used to locate and refine crude minerals on planetary surfaces and offered an array of scientific equipment for contact-and-survey teams, who could use it as a planetside base for several weeks.

This officially licensed die-cast highly detailed scale model of the primary vessel of Moonbase Alpha will arrive packaged in a full-colour box along with a 16-page authoritative magazine on the classic Eagle and Space:1999 series. A cult classic of 70s sci-fi, the TV series Space:1999 followed the spacefaring adventures of Moonbase Alpha, whose 311 personnel were left stranded when a massive nuclear explosion sent the Moon itself hurtling into deep space.

Designed by Academy Award-winning SFX director Brian Johnson (Alien, Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey), the Eagle was the iconic hero ship of Space:1999, and the primary transport for the crew of Moonbase Alpha. This modular vessel had many alternative configurations: it’s presented here with its laboratory pod module.

Click here to pre-order yours today, exclusively from the Gerry Anderson Store!

Written by
Chris Dale

Writer, editor & voice actor on Big Finish's Doctor Who, Terrahawks, Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet audio ranges. Host of the Randomiser on the Gerry Anderson Podcast.

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